Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My first day.

Just spoke to my darling wife, kids and mum. I'm not really with it yet as the jet lag has got me all over the place. I keep going in and out of consciousness and not sure if I am dreaming about something or making a list of something to do.

As I lay here it becomes very apparent that I need to get this place finished ASAP. 3 of the rooms don't have lights. What I mean by that us that is that the light switches turn or power sockets than in turn switch on up lighters...or not in my case. In this order in need: bank account, furniture, and car. Scrap that. Shower curtain, bank account, furniture, and car. Scrap that. Toilet roll, shower curtain, bank account, furniture, car.

Better get up, dressed and find a shop that sells milk, cereal (bowls and spoons)... Goanna try and put this on facebook too if I can find a wifi Zone.
Well what a day! Daniel picked me up from my apartment this morning and gave me a ride into work. He has very kindly offered to do this tomorrow as well. When I got there I was faced with a new wide screen monitor, VARIO laptop (that is lightning speed) and a really cool keyboard & mouse. I have (with help) set it up so I now work dual screen… I know, a bit nerdy right, but hey I don’t care. I have spent the day getting set up and learning how all the systems work. We all had a strategic planning meeting this morning, followed by a meeting about the Website.
I have got an appointment to see the bank manager so I need to take all my documentation in tomorrow.

After work Daniel offered to take me to Wal-Mart to buy, well everything. This place is massive! It makes the ASDA in Milton Keynes look like a corner shop! It is quite scary how little fresh food there is in there. Very oddly I found myself looking for (what I would term) normal things in the foods of the world section. Not kidding when I say there was 3 fridges with cheese but normal concentrated drink that you dilute (like Robinsons) nowhere to be seen.

Now that I have this laptop I Can watch the DVDs I brought with me… although I did warn me that I only have 1 more opportunity to change the region before the laptop gets lock into it. :0/
It is still VERY quite here… I have started talking to a football called Wilson. (When I say football I do of course mean a soccer ball)

Right, time to unpack the food now!

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