Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Stay on or get off… what do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO HOTSHOT?

This week I haven’t been car pooling as Dan is on vacation this week. (Vacation NOT holiday... there is a difference!) As I have been driving myself I thought it would be good to see if there was a quicker way to go… that and I have a great sense of adventure. Basically there are two straight forward ways to get to work. “Meridian” that has lots of big picturesque houses, trees and stuff… two lanes quite and few traffic lights and “Keystone” which is commercial heaven! McDonalds, Starbucks, Macys, Subway, Arbys, McDonalds, Starbucks, Macys, Subway, Arbys, McDonalds, Starbucks, Macys, Subway, Arbys… you get the idea, but this has lights and 3 lanes.

I have been wanting to try the freeway that goes around Indianapolis (I guest this is more like the Indy equivalent to the M25… but it moves). I tried doing this earlier in the week and the SatNav women kept redirecting me back to Meridian no matter how many times I tried to get off.

At the moment I am developing websites for phone applications… and for testing purposes I have a “Motorola Android Phone” that has Google maps to direct you where you are going. This will give the SatNav woman a run for her money. I say take me home and it plots a course… via the freeway! Yay! Let’s do this thing. Off I go following the phones directions. It finds me the Freeway and its telling me the right directions.

All is going well until I lose the phone signal. Where am I? This is not a question to ask when you have to pick which lane you want… especially when there are 9 of them! It is a very odd thing. In the UK if you want to get off you enter the slip road on the right. Easy! Here, your exit could be on the right or the left. Stay on? Get off? Speak to me... c’mon Andriod you stupid thing! I headed for Chicago and hoped for the best.

In the end I had to make a “legal stop” and grovel to the SatNav woman to get me home… She knew I needed her and I’m sure she won’t let me forget it.

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