Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ice Skating

As the kids had done all their jobs for the week, it was time from a treat. This week it was Ice Skating at the Pepsi Coliseum. Based at the Indiana State Fairground, the Pepsi Coliseum is a very nice art deco building that houses the ice skating rink.

The kids had never been ice skating before, so were a little wary about getting on the ice. Once Zack realized that you couldn’t actually fall through the ice he grew a little more confident, but preferred to hold on to the side. I haven’t been skating in donkey’s years but I tried to act as if I knew what I was doing to encourage the kids to keep on skating.

There were some traffic cones that children were using to hold on to keep their balance, while pushing along with their feet. Zack soon gave up and decided it would be more fun to lift his feet up on to the base of the cone and then be pushed by me. I didn’t mind, at least he was moving and enjoying it.

Unfortunately he got bored quickly and decided he would rather watch the skating rather than actually do it. Katie (my future rollercoaster buddy) on the other hand loved it. She will try anything… she’s fearless! All was going well until her feet started to hurt. That is the sign to drop everything and let her rest. Believe me it is better for, well, society in general!

She took off her skates and decided to get some ice cream dippin dots. This is very weird stuff as it is like hundreds and thousands but ice cream!

While Sarah and kids were getting changed, I thought I would have a go on my own. “Come on knees you can take it”. I take it slow and try and get away from doing the small tripping action and progress to a more “glidey” movement that lets me go faster with less effort “Leeeeefffffftttttt… rrrriiigggghhhhtttt… this was going well. I’m not holding onto anything. I’m looking pretty good… Wow this is quite easy.” Just as I am getting up confidence, a 10 year old kid skates past me… going backwards. He cuts me up giving me no option other than to slam into the side of the wall. Little bugger!

Needless to say I called it a day at the ice rink!

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