Sunday, November 15, 2009

Children’s museum

For the last week I have been building up the idea of a special treat at the weekend. The kids didn’t know what it was exactly, but they did know it would be really cool. The Indianapolis Children’s Museum is 4 floors of really cool exhibits. In the basement they had a dinosaur exhibit that had loads of interactive activities that really got the kid’s imagination running wild. They loved it! Up on the other levels they had everything from the history of the US railroad to space-quest where everything was themed around starwars chonewars.

Towards the top of the museum, there was an area for younger kids that Katie was initially interested in. They had a soft toy play area and a little quiet room for reading. I’m not sure what it was but Zack wanted to go in there and do some reading. As a proud parent I want to encourage this as much as possible. I soon realized that the room we were in was aimed at very young kids and new parents. As I sat down and chilled out for a second, Zack decide to find a book to read. Of the hundreds of books that were on the book shelf, Zack found the one book about pregnancy and the changing body. He sat there flicking through the book until I said to him “Is there just writing in the book? What are you looking at?” He quickly showed me the pages he was bookmarking with his fingers. ‘”Look Daddy… Boobs”- as he handed me the book… That’s my boy. Moments after this, a lady came into inform me that the room was about to be used for story time. I wish you could see the filthy look she gave me when she saw that I had my finger in the page of the naked pregnant lady. Thanks Zack

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