Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Roll a six to start

It seems that over time credit is starting to build. More specifically, credit card companies and insurance companies now have our address and are bombarding us with junk mail. So far capital one has sent out 8 letters in 6 weeks. That is just taking the piss.

Luckily there is an unsubscribe number you can call to stop them sending this crap in the mail.

I rang it to unsubscribe and I was told that it was a voice activated out of hours automated system.

"Hello, Press one for English ... Para EspaƱol, por favor, pulse dos." - The voice says

"1" - I Press

We have detected you are calling from a land line. Would you like us to look up your address based on your phone number? Say press “1” or say “Yes” alternatively say “no” or press “2”


I didn't catch that


Your address is xxxxxxxxxxxx

Say yes or press 1 to confirm


Stay the name you wish to unsubscribe followed by the spelling, for example for John you would say John – J. O. H. N.

Sarah – S. A. R. A. H.

Sharron ?

Sarah - es - ay -are - ay - haytch

Sorry I didn't catch that

Sarah - eeesss - aaaaayyy - aareee - aaaayyyyy - aych


Yes... Get in!


No no no - it was fine before.

Gretchen spelt – G. R. E. T. C. H. E. N.

NO - it's Sarah

Sharron spelt – S. H. A. R. R. O. N. is this correct? Press 1 for yes or say no.

No -

What name please.

Sarah - es - ay -are - ay - aytch (without the h sound. Remember they say herbs like erbs here)

Sorry I didn't catch that

Sarah - eeesss - aaaaayyy - aareee - aaaayyyyy - aych!



Thank you.... Sarah has now been unsubscribed.

Have a nice day!


Job eventually Done


  1. That is so funny. Every time my husband calls our insurance company he puts on a thick Southern drawl so that they'll recognise the numbers and the letters in his customer number. If he speaks with his English accent it does not know what he's talking about!

  2. "Aitch" is correct - "haitch" is wrong, wrong, wrong. The word doesn't actually start with the letter H. Just like "el" or "double-u" or "cue" don't start with the letters they are a name of.
