Thursday, March 25, 2010

You can hear it in my accent when I talk… I'm an Englishman trying to rent a property

On my run around Carmel at the weekend I found a little house that looked, well, ok. There were some bits that needed fixing up bur I figured it was worth give the number a call. Last Monday I rang the number to see what the deal is. The voice on the other end of the phone was a Hispanic lady who said it was a three bed house with a rental price that was in our budget.

Result! I arranged to see it on Tuesday. Before going around I rang her up to be told that she had to go to hospital with her kids and she couldn’t make it. Fair enough let's do Thursday at seven.

Today we went around at seven and it was hammering down with rain. Not a sprinkling, but rather a full on down pour. I kind of figured that this is the best time to go because if there are leaky roofs or things wrong with the property, today would be the day that they would show up.

The first thing we noticed was a lack of drainage in the garden and the four of us found ourselves jumping on these raised stepping stones to get to the main porch. I thought to myself “it’s a bit odd them leave all the building equipment on the porch in the rain, but there you go I guess.

Ding dong - WOOF bloody WOOF.

I turn to look at my darling daughter looking into the window as a Great Dane dog slobbers all over the window that she is standing next to. "Come away, too don't want to scare it" I say to K to distract her as the drool from this huge animal slides down window.

" sí" says the little man who answered the door

"Hello, I'm here to look at the property as we are likely to rent it out" I say

“Er, I am laying floors at the moment and it is a real mess in here.” Says the man.
Well we have an appointment with Daniela at seven... don't worry I'll give her a call.

I ring her number while stood in the pouring rain to be told that she has rented it out to her brother.
Great! Thanks for the heads up on that one... Silly cow.

I have to say this is becoming a bit of a common theme here. I ring up an agent or private owner and they take my details and don't get back to me. I'm starting to think it is due to the way I talk.

I think I might have to get one of my coworkers to ring to pretend to be me to get me the appointments.

I guess in hindsight it was a good job that we didn't go for this house. I mean if she is this scatty before anybody moves in, can you image the trouble we would get in if we had moved in and we were unable to get hold of her if there was no hot water or a flood.

1 comment:

  1. Since you live in Carmel, I didn't think this was warranted, but after reading this maybe I should say something. Make sure every place you look at has air conditioning.
