Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Arms in the back

At lunchtime today I wanted to go out for a bit of fresh air and see a bit of Indianapolis I haven’t seen before. I went for a wonder around a place called the city market. It is indoor market where they would sell fruit, veg and meat. Since I have been here this is the first time I have seen private individuals sell produce, rather than a big corporation like WalMart. I kind of like the place but you can defiantly tell that is on the other side of the tracks.

It is very close to the city jail. I haven’t seen the city jail but I know it is there because of all the bail bond shops. There is one after another.

The weirdest thing I have seen here is that they are competing for business. I’m not kidding when I tell you I saw a sign in the window saying “half price sale on all bail bonds”. Sounds like a bargain to me… I felt I couldn’t resist an offer like this… so I mugged an old lady!

On my way back to the office there was a thundering bass sound of music blaring from the trunk (boot) of a car. I glanced to see what all the noise was about and saw there were three men pointing and laughing in a kind of shady way stood at the back of the car that was making all the noise. As I walked past one of them I noticed he was holding a belt…or so I thought. It turns out it was a belt of bullets… I kept walking and didn’t look back.

1 comment:

  1. Starting in April or May they block off Market Street for a few hours every Wednesday afternoon right in front of the jail/courthouse and city market and sell produce through the summer. It's usually farmers that come in for the day. They start out with flowers, then gradually there'll be all kinds of produce. Just an FYI.
