Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Riding with the Muggles

I’m starting on a bit of an adventure today. I’m taking the bus to work. I know this isn’t probably a big deal and loads of people do it, but it is something I am starting to do.

Dan, my co-worker who I catch a lift with has selfishly (kidding) moved out of where he was living to set up a bachelor pad of his own. The result of this being that when the car is needed by Sarah to run errands and scoot kids around etc, I need to find a different way to get to work. I am seriously seeing this as blessing in disguise. I mean, there will be no excuses for doing not doing exercise. It is really easy to fall out of bed into your car, drive up to the office door and do the same in reverse at the end of the day. I have just spoken to the bus driver and he says that it is fine to put a push bike underneath the coach, so I will be able to cycle to the bus stop and then take it from there.

I helped Dan move on Saturday, which was a good laugh. He even bought us lunch to say thanks.

As I write this I am actually on the bus. I love the fact that I can hook my laptop up to my phone and get in the internet while moving. (that said I will need to put it away if anybody come near me… he bus is quite empty just now.
Zack has this box car race today. This is where they have a race wearing cardboard boxes decorated to be like race cars. They called it the kindy500… you know, like the Indy 500 race. I thought I may have over done it in helping him because we sprayed it and did some really cool things we card and hot glue. When I took it in the other day there were some there how had gone all out and put sponsor stickers on them as well. I didn’t feel too bad after that.

Having all this extra glue around gave me an idea. I peeled back all the duct tape that was holding the bumper together and used hot glue. I have to say it worked a treat, and isn’t as ropey looking as the tape. It is really solid now. The down side is that I got bitten by a few bugs while I was fixing it.

It is sooooooo hot here just now, with high humidity. You know when you go on holiday and they open the doors of the plane, and it feels like an over door opening… well that what happens each time you go out of an air conditions shop door (I love it).

Our air conditioning is out at the moment. Apparently the kids stuck a stick in the fan and a puff of smoke came out. Sarah was very cross with the kids as they have been told hundreds of times not to go near it. The guy came out to look at it, but I’m sure I will find out what the upshot of that is sometime today.

We are off to St Louis on Friday and I am really looking forward to having a break from work. Its good and all that but it I looking forward to seeing a bit more of the country/culture and spending time with the family away from the damn TV. It is quite a long journey but I got some of those DVD players that strap to the back of the head rests (that I fully Intend on taking back when I done with them).

One thing that is really good here, is that if you pay by card and you return the goods in “original packaging for resale” they will take it back now questions asked. Result!

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